FUture PASSword

Hey guys….Whats up… I missed Last week Blog but i have a reason Last  week on Sunday my laptop Bricked without no reason. But this week i managed to write this blog from annymous PC. Coming back to our Topic. Do you know your PC can read your brain!!!! Researches are going on for understanding... Continue Reading →

LithiuM To SodiuM

Hey there......whats up.... Smartphones are improving your processor,RAM,camera and many other things but have you noticed that that we are using these lithium ion batteries since long time. These Li-ion batteries  have a limit of holding a charge limit which cannot be exceeded otherwise the chances of battery explosion may increase. So new researches are... Continue Reading →

New CAmera Launched

Hey there........whats up..... You guys  like the pics captured by the DSLR's in that even a normal guy looks celebrity (just joking.. this is only a myth DSLR's only show a good focused images so your ugly face will look ugly only).By the way you might don't know the full form of DSLR it is... Continue Reading →

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