LithiuM To SodiuM

Hey there……whats up….

Smartphones are improving your processor,RAM,camera and many other things but have you noticed that that we are using these lithium ion batteries since long time. These Li-ion batteries  have a limit of holding a charge limit which cannot be exceeded otherwise the chances of battery explosion may increase.batteries-1024px_01

So new researches are coming for upgrading to Sodium ion batteries.                   BECAUSE-

  • it is widely present in nature
  • it has more capacity of holding charges.
  • it can charge 3x times faster than lithium ion batteries.
  • it is cheaper than lithium.sodium-ions-in-new-battery-prototype

These battery can also make a new concept of charging of battery by human’s sweat(sounds cool…. remove your sweat so that your phone can charge).

images ph-01

By this evolution your phone battery may survive in the end of the day and you can play your favorite game without any worry of battery drain

And yes these batteries will also be used in the electric powered vehicles  which are expected to spread on roads by 2022.(may be in India also)nissan-leaf-tesla-supercharger-letter-2

This is it for now hope you liked the new concept of Na-ion batteries
if you did then show your love and give it a like also you can write a 
comment for any suggestions or adding something.

see you in the next post


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